Effective Minute Taking

This programme has been designed specifically for anyone who is required to record accurately and concisely the information discussed and action points agreed at meetings and briefings.

Effective Minute Taking

Available onsite


Delegates will understand what needs to be included within minutes, what these should look like, and various tools and techniques to aid them to be more effective. Delegates will then be given the opportunity to put these skills into practice and receive feedback for improvement, so when they return to the workplace they can write and distribute minutes with confidence.

Each delegate will leave the course with a personal action plan for how they will implement the tools and techniques learnt.


  • Each delegate will understand the purpose of minutes, and the role they play before, during and after the meeting.
  • Each delegate will learn how to listen effectively to differentiate between what is important and what need not be recorded.
  • For each delegate to improve their note-taking skills to suit their individual style – short-hand is not the only way!
  • To equip delegates with the confidence to deal with technical subjects and jargon so the minutes are meaningful.
  • Each delegate will gain an understanding of appropriate language, tone and grammar, and how to format their minutes to enhance clarity.
  • Practical experience of minute writing on the course will allow each delegate to gain feedback, tips and advice to finely tune their skills.
  • Active participation by all delegates will keep the day lively and relevant, and each delegate will be able to share their experiences and tips.


  • The purpose of minutes
  • The importance of preparation and working with the chairperson
  • Arranging meetings/creating an agenda
  • The agenda – how this can be used to improve minute taking
  • Effective listening skills – plus what to do when you get lost
  • How to gain clarity if you’re not sure
  • Note taking advice, tips, hints and skills
  • Essential writing skills – business English, tone, grammar, specific minute related terminology – e.g. ‘apologies’, ‘any other business’
  • How to summarise and record concisely
  • How to turn notes into minutes
  • How to record actions
  • Format and content of minutes – when do I use different styles?
  • Common problems and how to avoid these

Practical exercises, followed by reviews and feedback


Enquire today.

Enquire about this course today, please note that this course will need to be designed and tailored specifically for your business, please give us as much information as you can in the below form as this will give us a much better understanding of how we can tailor the course to help you.

Interested in finding out more?

Call 0330 133 8190 or email hello@keystonetrainingltd.co.uk