Inclusive Leadership

There is frequently a disconnect between mid and senior level managers (many of whom will be ‘Generation X’ or the 1960s 1980s generation) and the expectations of their reports, many of whom will be ‘Generation Y’ or ‘Millenials’, born from 1980 onwards.

Inclusive Leadership

Available online


The Gen ‘Y’ population are seeking career options in organisations which provide progression opportunities, work-life balance, respect and recognition, varied and interesting work, a fair and ethical culture and maximum opportunities and encouragement for peer interaction, rather than constraining people to a hierarchical structure. This course equips participants with the knowledge and capability to be effective leaders in the new, diverse workforces of the 21st century.


  • Why diversity? An engaging and thought-provoking facilitator led session which explores the need for diversity in today’s workforce.
  • Small group work to explore the benefits to the manager, team and organisation of having diversity and the consequences of not having it.
  • How sustainable is our current approach?
  • Identifying or denying talent? An engaging facilitator-led session on understanding bias, including an insight into the neuroscience of bias. Consideration of “pressure points” when bias is more likely to have an impact, including recruitment, performance review and induction.
  • In small groups, delegates will consider a scenario/case study to apply the principles to real life situations.
  • Understanding the ‘new world’ – an interactive session exploring the difference between Boomers, Gen X and Gen Y. What does this mean to us as leaders What do we need to do differently to be relevant in the new world?
  • A case study/scenario to embed the learning.
  • Initially individually and then in small groups, delegates will reflect upon their own approach and the impact it has on others.
  • Delegates work in small groups to share learning from the course and identify actions they wish to explore back at work.
  • Facilitator-facilitated plenary session to share learning and action commitments in large group.

Enquire today.

Enquire about this course today, please note that this course will need to be designed and tailored specifically for your business, please give us as much information as you can in the below form as this will give us a much better understanding of how we can tailor the course to help you.

Interested in finding out more?

Call 0330 133 8190 or email