Influencing and Persuasion Skills

Many employees need to develop their ability to negotiate and influence.

Influencing and Persuasion Skills

2 Days

Available online


Rather than looking at traditional negotiations skills, we find that delegates gain most benefit from mastering advanced persuasion patterns and strong objection handling techniques.

This two day programme has been specifically designed for delegates who wish to ‘raise their game’ through learning the art of persuasion and assertiveness communication.


  • For each delegate to understand how to use assertive behaviour.
  • For each delegate to understand the psychological steps to persuasion.
  • For each delegate to learn the art of building rapport.
  • For each delegate to understand how to communicate in another’s preferred language/thinking approach.
  • For each delegate to learn how to master a number of highly effective influencing patterns.
  • For each delegate to learn how manage objections, deflect questions and shift the focus of the conversation smoothly.

Content – Day One

  • Maps of the world – understanding our differences
  • Assertive communication
  • Adopting the values and behaviours of master influencers
  • Understanding the psychological steps of influence
  • How to create rapport, learning to hold rapport and not break it
  • DISC – building rapport with different people
  • Building and maintaining rapport with people who are nothing like you
  • Pacing and leading others

Content – Day Two

  • Negotiating – what is and when to use it
  • Exercises to negotiate
  • Changing a person’s direction of thought through questioning, challenging and supportive behaviour
  • Persuasion patterns
  • Objection handling techniques
  • Understanding an individual’s values and motivation buttons
  • Personal commitments to change
  • Summary and close

Enquire today.

Enquire about this course today, please note that this course will need to be designed and tailored specifically for your business, please give us as much information as you can in the below form as this will give us a much better understanding of how we can tailor the course to help you.

Interested in finding out more?

Call 0330 133 8190 or email