Menopause Awareness for Wellbeing Champions

Keystone Training’s Menopause Workplace Training courses are aimed at informing employees and managers about menopause in the workplace and how to support those who are managing menopause on a daily basis.

Menopause Awareness for Wellbeing Champions

Half Day

Available onsite and online

Half Day Online or Half-day face-to-face workshop | For menopausal support roles e.g. Meno Mate, Menopause Buddy, Health and Wellbeing Rep.

This workshop is designed for people who are supporting colleagues in the workplace as they experience menopause transition.

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to: Describe what menopause is and is not, Recognise common misconceptions around menopause, Identify a range of symptoms experienced by those managing menopause day-to-day, including post-menopausal long-term health conditions and describe their potential impact in the workplace. Participants will also be able to describe how the chronology of menopause could impact their workplace, identify opportunities for talking about menopause in the workplace and describe best practise for holding menopause conversations, demonstrate appropriate counselling skills required for menopause conversations, signpost colleagues to resources and further support.

With a wealth of experience in workplace training, including other forms of Equality and Diversity trainingour team at Keystone are committed to helping you implement a successful strategy for managing menopause discussions and helping to support those dealing with menopause in the workplace. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch today and experience the level of service that our clients love.

Enquire today.

Enquire about this course today, this course is a pre-designed course available for any business, please give us as much information as you can in the below form as this will give us a much better understanding of how we can help you.


Interested in finding out more?

Call 0330 133 8190 or email